Message formatting

Zulip supports an extended version of Markdown for messages, as well as some HTML level special behavior. The Zulip help center article on message formatting is the primary documentation for Zulip's markup features. This article is currently a changelog for updates to these features.

The render a message endpoint can be used to get the current HTML version of any Markdown syntax for message content.

Code blocks

Changes: As of Zulip 4.0 (feature level 33), code blocks can have a data-code-language attribute attached to the outer HTML div element, which records the programming language that was selected for syntax highlighting. This field is used in the playgrounds feature for code blocks.

Global times

Changes: In Zulip 3.0 (feature level 8), added global time mentions to supported Markdown message formatting features.

Image previews

When a Zulip message is sent linking to an uploaded image, Zulip will generate an image preview element with the following format.

<div class="message_inline_image">
    <a href="/user_uploads/path/to/image.png" title="image.png">
        <img data-original-dimensions="1920x1080"

If the server has not yet generated thumbnails for the image yet at the time the message is sent, the img element will be a temporary loading indicator image and have the image-loading-placeholder class, which clients can use to identify loading indicators and replace them with a more native loading indicator element if desired. For example:

<div class="message_inline_image">
    <a href="/user_uploads/path/to/image.png" title="image.png">
        <img class="image-loading-placeholder" data-original-dimensions="1920x1080" src="/path/to/spinner.png">

Once the server has a working thumbnail, such messages will be updated via an update_message event, with the rendering_only: true flag (telling clients not to adjust message edit history), with appropriate adjusted rendered_content. A client should process those events by just using the updated rendering. If thumbnailing failed, the same type of event will edit the message's rendered form to remove the image preview element, so no special client-side logic should be required to process such errors.

Note that in the uncommon situation that the thumbnailing system is backlogged, an individual message containing multiple image previews may be re-rendered multiple times as each image finishes thumbnailing and triggers a message update.

Clients are recommended to do the following when processing image previews:

  • Clients that would like to use the image's aspect ratio to lay out one or more images in the message feed may use the data-original-dimensions attribute, which is present even if the image is a placeholder spinner. This attribute encodes the dimensions of the original image as {width}x{height}. These dimensions are for the image as rendered, after any EXIF rotation and mirroring has been applied.
  • If the client would like to control the thumbnail resolution used, it can replace the final section of the URL (840x560.webp in the example above) with the name of its preferred format from the set of supported formats provided by the server in the server_thumbnail_formats portion of the register response. Clients should not make any assumptions about what format the server will use as the "default" thumbnail resolution, as it may change over time.
  • Download button type elements should provide the original image (encoded via the href of the containing a tag).
  • Lightbox elements for viewing an image should be designed to immediately display any already-downloaded thumbnail while fetching the original-quality image or an appropriate higher-quality thumbnail from the server, to be transparently swapped in once it is available. Clients that would like to size the lightbox based on the size of the original image can use the data-original-dimensions attribute, as described above.
  • Animated images will have a data-animated attribute on the img tag. As detailed in server_thumbnail_formats, both animated and still images are available for clients to use, depending on their preference. See, for example, the web setting to control whether animated images are autoplayed in the message feed.
  • Clients should not assume that the requested format is the format that they will receive; in rare cases where the client has an out-of-date list of server_thumbnail_formats, the server will provide an approximation of the client's requested format. Because of this, clients should not assume that the pixel dimensions or file format match what they requested.
  • No other processing of the URLs is recommended.

Changes: In Zulip 9.2 (feature levels 278-279, and 287+), added data-original-dimensions to the image-loading-placeholder spinner images, containing the dimensions of the original image.

In Zulip 9.0 (feature level 276), added data-original-dimensions attribute to images that have been thumbnailed, containing the dimensions of the full-size version of the image. Thumbnailing itself was reintroduced at feature level 275.

Previously, with the exception of Zulip servers that used the beta Thumbor-based implementation years ago, all image previews in Zulip messages were not thumbnailed; the a tag and the img tag would both point to the original image.

Clients that correctly implement the current API should handle Thumbor-based older thumbnails correctly, as long as they do not assume that data-original-dimension is present. Clients should not assume that messages sent prior to the introduction of thumbnailing have been re-rendered to use the new format or have thumbnails available.


Changes: In Zulip 9.0 (feature level 247), channel was added to the supported wildcard options used in the mentions Markdown message formatting feature.


Changes: In Zulip 3.0 (feature level 15), added spoilers to supported Markdown message formatting features.

Removed features

Changes: In Zulip 4.0 (feature level 24), the rarely used !avatar() and !gravatar() markup syntax, which was never documented and had an inconsistent syntax, were removed.